
David Knight reflects….. On a recent trip to Edinburgh, the BIM2050 crowd were privileged to meet Akiko Kobayashi, who is leading a project to crowdsource the funding and manpower to build a community centre using a Wikihouse design. Wikihouse (www.wikihouse.cc) is an open source project started by Architecture 00 and Momentum Engineering to generate a… Read More #WikihouseEDIN

Why Bother? (….. collaborating in Education)

The first of our series of blogs from group members.  Alex MacLaren reflects on collaborative education –     I recently organised a Seminar on Interdisciplinary collaboration- in Education. Generally, we all agree that we’re not very good at collaborating and communicating in our industry, but for me the problem starts earlier: in learned behaviour… Read More Why Bother? (….. collaborating in Education)

New Members 2015!

Tom Bartley (ICE); Sarah Birchall (BSRIA); Bobby Chakravarthy (APS); Henry Fenby-Taylor (LI); Adam Golden (ICES); Will Hackney (CIOB); David Knight (IStructE); Alex Lubbock (CIOB); Alex MacLaren (RIBA); Mac Muzvimwe (RICS); Charlie Murray (CIBSE); Daniel Rossiter (BRE); Neil Thompson (CIOB) (Chair); Ryan Tennyson (CIAT) and Dwight Wilson (CIBSE).

BIM: is your job safe? Khalid Ramzan

How will professional roles in construction change over the coming generation? An area being actively explored by the UK industry is the potential for BIM objects to be programmed to track compliance with Building Regulations, planning law and health and safety regulations. This would mean that the labour intensive process of designers checking that their… Read More BIM: is your job safe? Khalid Ramzan